"You know, for having such a bleak outlook on pirates, you are well on your way to becoming on." ~ Jack Sparrow
Oi Mate! Welcome to the Jack Sparrow Costuming Page. Let it be known to all that this site was a community effort and contains the work of many costumers who love Jack Sparrow. But even this humble vessel does not contain all the answers, so please whatever you do, do your own research before you take our word for anything. And should you come across a revision or something you think should be added, please email our administrators. ~ So get to work! ....or as Captain Jack would say... "Come to join my crew, lad? Welcome aboard!"
Full Costume Reference Pictures (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)- Jack Sparrow Costume Dressing Guide (1)
TOTAL COST Checklist Example
As you get your pieces, make sure your items look worn and "lived
in." Nobody likes a clean pirate. Be sure to check out
Tara Maginnis stage costume distress
workshop for advice - and
a few tips here for distressing leather.
The creator of this wiki has no
connections with
Disney Studios,
Gore Verbinski,
Jerry Bruckheimer Films
- this is a fan made site for recreational purposes only.
Special Thanks to the original
Jack Sparrow costuming wiki-
The mates in
the Locker
- Everyone on
and the brilliant talent at
the RPF
Confessions of a Jack-o-Holic
otherwise this site would never have been made.
The wiki also has embedded within it an "easter
egg game." Several of Johnny's
"other costumes" are hidden midst the words. See if you can find all
8 costumes.
Thank you to our generous benefactors: This site would not be possible without the generosity of our financial backers: Dave Arland, Gary Brooks, Jason Tracewell, Travis Ward, Charles Coons III, Michael Sturdy, Arndt Paulussen
Venture below for the forum of The Brethren Court!
If you would like to add information or you find dead links to pictures or sites please send an email to the administrators