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Venture below for the forum of The Brethren Court!
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Mum shrunken head
"....She looks great!" ~ Jack Sparrow
Jack is seen at the end of At World's End with the shrunken head of his mother tied to his baldric. Through On Stranger Tides, Jack seems to have the trophy whenever he wears his baldric. (ref1) (ref2) (ref3) (ref4)
Captain Teague (Jack's Father) tells him, "It's not just about living forever, Jackie. The trick is living with yourself forever." Jack then inquired about his mother, to which Teague responded by holding aloft her shrunken, severed head.
A shrunken head is a severed and specially prepared human head that is used for trophy, ritual, or trade purposes. Most known shrunken heads were manufactured either by indigenous peoples in Melanesia and the Amazon Basin, or by European or Euro-Americans attempting to recreate the practice. In Amazonia, the only people known to have shrunk human heads are the Shuar, Achuar, Huambisa and Aguaruna, collectively classified as the Jivaroan peoples of Ecuador and Peru. Among the Shuar, a shrunken head is known as a tsantsa.
Aside from making an authentic "shrunken head," some have resorted to molding a replica from clay and then creating a plaster mold from the model. Then, use the mold to create a shrunken head using foam rubber or latex.
How to make a shrunken head using paper mache.
Actual shrunken head techniques [WARNING: not for children]
Making a shrunken head with an apple or potato
Hell Kitty sells a great and "expensive" mum.
Full Moon Masks has a nice soft polly foam version although not totally screen accurate.
Salangome has an extensive collection of heads as well as a "Mum" Jack head.
Just Alpaca sells a variety of authentic shrunken heads
Tyranical Treasures
Buy Pirate Costumes sells a cheap vinyl toy shrunken head with the cannibal kit (pic of the modified toy)
Spirit Halloween Shop sells a Shrunken Head "trio" - you could buy some wig hair and make extras to sell.