Venture below for the forum of The Brethren Court!
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Venture below for the forum of The Brethren Court!
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Wrist Adornments
"I once sailed with a geezer lost both his arms and part of his eye." ~ Jack Sparrow
Jack wears a shredded black wristband on his right wrist along with a leather palm glove. On Jack's left wrist he wears a shred of old "trophy lace," which is supposedly a piece from a young lady after he had reacquired the Black Pearl. In Dead Man's Chest, Jack wears a pink and white striped knotted wrap to cover the infamous Black Spot of Davy Jones .
The black wrist wrap (ref pic) can be made from a simple mesh scarf, or any black woven material and then interlaced with a beige and magenta yarn. Use this tutorial if you decide to make one.
The leather hand glove can be made easily with a piece of scrap leather and a pair of scissors. Make a template from paper matching screen grabs and costumers photographs and cut to match against your leather scrap. Or simply refer to our in depth tutorial.
Anthony Z sells the palm glove
Capn Jack Savvysells the black mesh wrist wrap and the palm glove
Sparrow Goods sells the black wrist wrap
Empire World-Widesells the black mesh wrist wrap and the palm glove
Swagarts sells the trophy lace and the black spot wrap.
Yordreem sells the black wrist wrap and it is probably the most screen accurate (SA) available.
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