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Venture below for the forum of The Brethren Court!
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COTPB Variances (Curse Of The Black Pearl)
"Daft like Jack" ~ Mr. Gibbs
Most of the material on this wiki is for the Dead Man's Chest and At World's End costume, but the costume that Jack wears in Curse of the Black Pearl has many subtle differences. The look is a much more clean and scaled back; so we wanted to make sure we acknowledged those differences in one easily accessible place.
Curse of the Black Pearl Costume (ref pic1) (ref pic 2)
Wig Hair and Bandanna - beads and bone are the same, bandanna is much darker (more red), the largest difference is the actual wig. Jack's hair in COTBP is much more free flowing with less dread locks. (ref pic) The wig also has less ties and coins. (ref pic)
Beard and makeup - again, not much different if at all. (ref pic) Jack also has a black spot in the curve of his left hand. (ref pic)
Wasitcoat and Poet Shirt - roughly the same design and shape as the later movies. COTBP appears to be a little darker, and not as faded or weathered. (ref pic) (ref pic 2) Poet shirt is still a drop shoulder blouse. (ref pic) (ref pic 2)
Baldric and Sword - the original baldric was a plain black leather with stitched edges. The buckle was also more of a figure eight shape with less detail. (ref pic) (ref pic 2) The sword is still the same prop from all three movies (ref pic) NOTE: like the frock coat and the tricorn hat, the black baldric is one of the items that the Hero costume does not require for a COTBP look. (you can get the baldric buckle from treasure cast inc)
Wristwraps - Jack still wears the black wristwrap, although some argue the stitched pattern is different, others suggest it's the same wrap, but worn with a different side out. And the pirate brand and tattoo are still visible of course. (ref pic) Through the later part of the movie, Jack wears a cotton wrap around his left hand. (ref pic) (ref pic 2)
Ring - In COTB Jack only wears the single green emerald skull ring on his right index finger. (ref pic)
Palmglove - same as in other movies (ref pic)
Flower Belt - Jack only wears one light brown belt. The buckle is a thinner, more weathered square design with a very long tongue. (ref pic)
Compass - This is the only trinket Jack wears from his belt and it's worn on the right hip. There are not very many real differences; the biggest of which is the spinning dial. In COTBP the dial is non descript (ref pic)
Sash - Still a white sash with red stripes. although the stripe pattern is different (ref pic) It does appear to be a more rattier and longer piece of fabric (as seen here) than the following film look. (ref pic 2)
Breaches - Standard drop front breaches not much different than his next pair. (ref pic)
Boots - COTBP boots appear to be a darker shade of brown. (ref pic)
Frock Coat - Jack still wears the same full frock coat seen in all three movies. (ref pic) NOTE: The frock coat is one of the items that the Hero costume does not require for a COTBP look.
Tricorn - Similar wide tricorn made in a dark shade of brown (ref pic) NOTE: This item is one of the items that the Hero costume does not require for a COTBP look.
Flintlock - same gun as all movies (ref pic)
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