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Venture below for the forum of The Brethren Court!
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"Captain, I think the crew, meaning me as well, were expecting something a bit more... shiny." ~ Mr. Gibbs
In COTB Jack only wears a single ring. In the next two films, Jack wears four rings on his hands, though he originally only wore one. The first of these was a silver skull ring set with a single green emerald which Jack wore on the index finger of his right hand. The second was a silver and jade oriental dragon ring which he obtained during an adventure in the Far East. Jack wore this ring on his left index finger until he stole his third ring, a gold and amethyst Greco-Roman ring from Tia Dalma. Jack then wore this new acquisition on his left index finger and moved the dragon ring to his left thumb. Jack's final ring was a gold onyx Spanish flower ring [sometimes called the button ring]. Along with the rings, Jack saw fit to tie pieces of worn fabric onto his hand. As well as four rings, Jack also wore a shredded wristband on his right wrist.
Of the four rings, two belong to the actor Johnny Depp. Depp bought the skull ring in 1989 for a Rolling Stone cover, and the stolen ring is a replica of a 2400-year old ring from the Greco-Roman period, though the original was later stolen [hence the name]. The other two are props which Depp gave back stories to: the flower ring is stolen from a Spanish widow Sparrow seduced, and the green dragon ring recalls his adventures in the Far East.
Ring Guide:
Skull Ring - [bright green stone] right hand pointer finger
Dragon Ring - [faded green stone] left hand thumb
Stolen Ring - [bright purple stone] left hand pointer finger
Flower Ring - [black button color with three small jewels] left hand ring finger
If you have rings that are too large - search around for Ring Snuggies [reduces ring size]. It's an inside adjuster that doesn't change the ring you own, but makes it tighter on your finger.
To make a ring a little bigger you can buy a ring mandrel off ebay and then adjust the size. WARNING: whenever you try to adjust the sizing on your rings you run the risk of ruining them, so adjust with caution.
How to Make a Ring - VIDEO
To find your ring size - print out this tool.
Skymall carries the Skull Ring
ACME has sold the rings in the past, but you'd have to check with him from time to time if he has any available.
You can find Master Replica versions of the skull ring and the left hand rings on Amazon and eBay. although they come in only one standard size [a size 10], So be sure that's going to work for you before you buy.
Disneyland stores still sell the Skull Ring made by Skinny Dog, but no longer carries any others. You can call them at Disneyland Parks (DelivEARS): (800) 362-4533
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