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Beard and Makeup
"Shoot him and cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue! ...And trim that scraggly beard!" - Jack Sparrow
Jack's distinctive look was accented by dreadlocked dark brown hair and a goatee beard. His beard and mustache is a variation on "the anchor" style; which is a a beard without sideburns that extends along the jawline and is styled into a point [or points] and It is combined with a mustache that resembles an anchor. He also seems to have a perpetual sore on the right side of his chin next to his goatee that never seems to heal. Jack Sparrow also has several gold teeth [two of which belonged to Johnny Depp].
Each of Jack's beard extensions is adorned with two beads [gold and green on the left and gold and red on the right]. According to the Jack Sparrow novels, the first of these two beads on the right side, were given to him by Tia Dalma as a means of unlocking the eye of Stone-Eyed Sam. Jack braided these into his hair during a confrontation with the spirit of Hernán Cortés.
Johnny Depp wore his goatee in two braids. Initially wire was used in them, but that was later abandoned because the extensions stuck up when Depp lay down. Depp also wears kohl around his eyes, which was inspired by his study of nomads, whom he compared to pirates.
Fabricating a Beard and Mustache
Unless you can grow it yourself, you'll have to buy the Jack Sparrow mustache and beard or some kind of costume beard that can be braided into two 3 inch braids. You can also make your own beard extensions by purchasing an old wig of matching color and weaving 2 small braids while still connected to the skull cap. Once your braids are finished, be sure to add the 2 beads to the end of each braid (as in the above reference picture ). Once everything is finished - carefully cut them both away from the wig and add superglue to the ends and around the beads to hold everything in place. (ref pic of Jack's stache)
Another option is to build a realistic mustache from scratch - Brendan Anderson offers this tutorial
Costumes of Nashua has a good selection: Savvy Pirates recommend the Discount Walrus Mustache and Goatee Character Beard. With a custom trim job and the right beads, these should work just nicely.
Another good stache to modify is the Walrus Mustache at Act One Costumes or the Villain mustache from Lynch's.
The Mischief Mustache and Beard looks like a good starter and can be found at Amazon and Costumes Inc
Rubies Costumes sells a "chin beard" that some costumers modify . [item #2022, or #2023]
Amazon and some online costume shops sells a simple combo set that could work, but would require a lot of grooming and care.
Costumer Nghtmre [Sparrow Head] has created a video tutorial on youtube for modifying a Ms. Mazie mustache and beard.
Beard Beads: Right (bottom green) (top gold) Left (bottom red) (top gold)
Applying a Beard and Mustache
Liquid Gold is highly recommended for applying your hair extensions (but make sure you get the remover as well)
Another good and cheap applicator is Proclaim Adhesive (again, make sure you get the remover)
Professional hair pieces go on with Telesis 5 which is the ideal adhesive for laying hair goods. The matting agents are mixed intrinsically during the manufacturing process which ensures a fluid consistency so the adhesive never gets hard or cracks - it dries matte and stays matted. T 5 Matte adhesive is pliable and will move with your face. It is non-flammable, non-toxic and safer than spirit gums and other gum-based, flammable adhesives. This adhesive has been manufactured for professional use and there is a learning curve. To be effective, Telesis 5 Matte adhesive must be used with a Telesis Thinner, preferably Telesis 5 Thinner [Super-Solve].Some costumers suggest using liquid latex to hold the artificial hair in with your real hair.
Most full hair pieces go on with spirit gum. Here is Cinema Secrets guide to applying ventilated hair goods. Spirit gum can be purchased online or at any reputable costume or Halloween store.
Another prep idea before applying your hair products is to treat your face with Telesis top guard. This will create a barrier to protect the prosthetic lace from your sweat and to prevent it from breaking down during wear.
Mehron also sells a no sweat solution.
Eyes and Make-up
Skin Illustrator is the actual alcohol activated makeup used by makeup artist extraordinaire Ve Neill, her custom pirate palette has brought realism to all the actors featured in the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy. [you can also get it here]
To learn how to apply AA makeup check this link
You can also visit the Ben Nye theatrical makeup website and browse their online catalog. Look at their color wheels as a good close second to a cheaper alternative.
FX Warehouse sells a lot of pirate makeup and professional kits
Johnny Depp joked that Jack has a Syphallis scar on his lower right jaw line
Jack also has a thin scar running through his right eyebrow.
In a COTBP deleted scene, Jack also revealed a giant scar on his left forearm and two musket shots in his chest.
Jack also has a black spot in the curve of his left hand. [not the same 'black spot' from DMC]
Jack also has bruised knuckles which can be duplicated by sponging on grease paint, or even running a toothpick dipped in red dye or craft paint across your skin. You can also add black to the creases in your hands and around your fingernails by dipping your hands in ink, or rubbing your hands with a rag soaked in black paint and thinner. You can also apply grease paint to your hands and then rub off the excess with a dry rag.
To create Jack's smokey eye look: You can purchase styli-style makeup Kajai Bullits from Jill at Swagarts
A basic look can be created with a faded red grease paint base, followed by a thin layer of bronzer with dark black eyeliner and black eye shadow.
To remove makeup, see the bottom of this page.
Gold/Silver Teeth
Strictly reserved for hard core Jack enthusiasts, the Gold teeth are generally hand made applications made by your dentist that cap over your existing teeth. Jack Sparrow has 4 gold teeth on top. Two side by side on the right side and one by itself 3 over to the left. He has 2 silver teeth on the bottom in the middle on either side of the middlemost tooth. (Tooth Map)
There are a few manufacturers of colored tooth enamel, Ben Nye makes "tooth color," Grimas makeup makes tooth enamel, and so does a company called Kryolan. Most of the times these products come off with alcohol or a toothbrush.
Some impersonators buy/fabricate indivisible teeth braces and then paint the teeth individually.
Halloween and Costume stores sell both fake gold "clip ons" and black "wash" that can be used to dirty up your teeth.
Companies like 14K Gold Teeth and Gold Teeth America will mail you a kit that can allow you to make a personalized set.
A cheap alternative would be to use the gold/silver foil that comes on Hershey kisses or gum and adhere them to your teeth with denture cream.
Dressing Tips
Make your eye liner very dark. Stage makeup is generally a tad over how much you'd think it would actually be, don't be afraid to push the envelope here.
Don't forget to dirty up your hands. Nobody likes a clean pirate.
Commandeering a Beard and Mustache
Beard braids can be bought from Swagarts (and sometimes sells the SA beads separately)
Beard braids can be bought from Capn Jack Savvy
Beard braids can be bought from Tall Captain Jack
Pimp N Swag (Chris Reaume or Ms. Mazie) sometimes sells full beard and mustache sets (ref pic)
FX Warehouse sells a full 3 piece beard and braid set. (not very good)
Beard braids can be bought from Pirate Empire
Inexpensive versions can be found at Spirit, Anytime and Buy Costumes.com
Beard and Makeup Remover
"The moonlight shows us for what we really are." ~ Hector Barbossa
Well, if you are going to spend money on makeup and hair prosthetics, then you need to spend money on the stuff to take it off.
Make up remover – Probably some of the best stuff is also going to be the most expensive. Good makeup remover means less time scrubbing, and fresher healthier feeling skin. My wife sold cosmetics for years and her favorite is Bi-Facil by Lancome ($26)
A second option is Lush Ultra Bland ($30) – this is the stuff rock stars use to remove makeup and it comes in a black tub and looks hardcore. A reviewer on Amazon said,”… after wiping the cleanser off with a wet washcloth, I was hooked! My skin looked so clean and felt so smooth. There was no skin tightness that I've experienced using soap based cleansers.”
A third option is FC5 by Arbonne ($22) – you know this stuff is good when it’s not sold in stores. An Amazon reviewer wrote, “It's amazing how it only takes a very small amount to rid my face of all of the foundation and mascara I use. By far, it is better than any other product I've tried. From store brands to department store brands.”
Of course your cheaper options are going to be anything over the counter or found at your local drug stores and for you budget Sparrows you can use:
almond oil
Neutrogena Make-up Remover Cleansing Towelettes that run about $7-8 at the local drugstore [by the way, baby wipes do the same thing]
and then good old fashion Vaseline.
AA Makeup can be removed with additional alcohol, soap and water, or any of a wide array of makeup removers. Overuse of alcohol as a makeup remover is not particularly recommended, as it can cause excessive drying of the skin.
Beard and Mustache remover – if you put it on with spirit gum then you are going to need spirit gum remover to get it off. Lift the hair piece a little at a time and use a brush to remove it. Don’t just yank it off, it can irritate your skin. You also need to clean the backside of the hair piece. Spirit Gum when left in a hair good will crystallize and eventually cause the lace to be more frail. With a bowl, and a makeup remover pad, apply spirit gum remover to the pad and remove the entire adhesive from the lace by patting and dissolving the spirit gum. Then find a way to store the item. You can pin the hair on a wig head or keep it in a zip lock bag or small plastic box. Take some time to read through this document by Cinema Secrets about hair and hair removal tips.