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Venture below for the forum of The Brethren Court!
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Tatoo & Brand
"I intend to see that any man who sails under a pirate flag or wears a pirate brand gets what he deserves: a short drop and a sudden stop." ~ Norrington
Jack has two markings on his right forearm labeling him as a pirate; one, a tattoo of a swallow flying across a setting sun. [Traditionally a sailor gets this tattoo after traveling 5000 nautical miles at sea. Often a swallow is the 'first sign that land is near' and it means 'safe return home' for the sailor.] and the distinctive "P" brand marked on pirates by members of the East India Trading Company—this one in particular administered by Cutler Beckett himself.
The fact that the tattoo is a "swallow" and not a sparrow is unknown, but the key indicator is the forked (or split) tail of the tattoo that Jack wears.
In a COTBP deleted scene, Jack also revealed a giant scar on his left forearm and two musket shots in his chest.
Jack's back is also extensively tattooed with a 1927 poem called the 'Desiderata', although this is rarely seen in the movies - its only appearance on film is during the Davy Jones' Locker sequence. It is visible on the bare back of one of the Jack Sparrow copies shortly before he is stabbed by the 'real' Jack.
You could take a picture of Jack's tattoo into a tattoo parlor and have it permanently placed on your body, or print it out [as a reversed image] on special printer paper and made into a washable image.
Tattoo about the right size
Reversed tattoo for temporary printer printing.
Have a custom tattoo made here.
Another method is to have a custom stamp made with the design and stamp it on your arm. You can get a custom stamp made from Rubberstamps.net or SimonsStamps for about $30.
DragonflyCurls also sells a premade handmade stamp
To make the brand some have resorted to fabricating a rubber latex application that is applied to the skin. Sometimes you can find a brand for sale that is included with a mustache and beard set.
You can also make the brand using Dragon Skin - found here.
The brand can be glued down with Telesis 5 and then apply makeup to suit.
You can get quality tattoos from at JontyDepp.com
Pirate Accessory Kit - you can get a cheap tattoo [along with some toys] in this set.
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